Good news! I just finished my first day of filming! The bad news is I'm starting the filming process way later than I ever expected to. Yasemin and I were never able to film after school on Monday or any day early this week actually and when we were finally able to agree on a day, I found out that she was extremely sick and had missed school. Oh dear. But, no worries what so ever because with that bit of time I was able to plan out the opening of the film in depth so I had a much better understanding of how exactly I wanted the film to go down. I told Yasemin to come around my house at about 6ish since I wanted it to be dark out when we filmed the opening shot of her waking up in her room at night. Since she wasn't going to come over until way later, I spent the first half of the day prepping the set and making sure everything was spick and span; I cleaned up the bedroom and bathroom which are the two primary locations for the first scene. I was also able to set up the lighting scheme, which I will discuss more in depth in a future post, so that I could perfectly get a sliver of light across her face to mimic moonlight coming from her window. Below I've included some of my favorite stills from today's shoot.

All in all, I'm extremely pumped about the footage we were able to get today and can't wait to film the rest of it either tomorrow, depending if I can get out of work, or Tuesday!
Oh and I bear more good news! Yasemin said that would definitely be able to play the part as her love interest so kachow, there goes another weight on my chest.
Stay tuned.
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